Abstracts & Posters

The official abstract publication is now available to view on the Hormone Research in Paediatrics journal website. All accepted abstracts for IMPE 2023 are also available to view online.

Abstract submissions for IMPE 2023 are now closed.

The Extended Abstract Deadline was Monday 7 November 2022 (23:59 GMT).

Please note that due to this extension to the abstract submission deadline, there will not be a late breaking submission period. 

All abstract submitters will be notified of the outcome of their submission in mid-December 2022.

If your abstract is accepted as part of IMPE 2023, your work will be accessible to thousands of clinicians and researchers working in paediatric endocrinology.

Sharing an abstract also gives you the opportunity to get useful feedback, helping you to progress your work, and boost your networking and presentation skills.

Please note that abstracts are accepted on the understanding that the work has not been published or presented elsewhere.

Accepted abstracts will be presented at the event as a physical poster, an ePoster or as an oral presentation, and will be published online in Hormone Research in Paediatrics.

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstracts must be no longer than 400 words.
  • Do not include your title or author list in the body of the abstract as these will be added separately.
  • Abstracts and titles must be submitted in English.
  • Tables can be included in the abstract text but will be included in the word count.
  • Figures and images will not be accepted by the submission system.
  • IMPE 2023 does not accept encore abstracts – any abstract previously presented at another congress will need to include new data and be re-written for consideration for IMPE 2023.
  • At least one author from every accepted abstract must register to attend IMPE 2023.

For any queries regarding your abstract please contact the Abstracts Manager at: [email protected].